uploads/loan collection.jpg

loan collection 借用展品〔為舉行展覽而借用的畫、古董等〕。

loan holder

The art museum promotes the excellence of both its permanent collections and loan collections of chinese art and their use for scholarly endeavours and outreach efforts . as a university teaching museum , it offers in - depth practice of museology and teaching of art history and heritage through direct and sustained access to original chinese works of art by collaborating with the department of fine arts 作為大學的教學博物館,文物館與藝術系緊密合作,在博物館學及藝術史學方面,提供實物實習的深度研究;亦與大學其他院系共同開發中國藝術在社會、文化、技術及歷史等領域的跨學科研究。